Emotional Support to Parents Experiencing a Perinatal Crisis
Listening to and talking with parents who are grieving the loss of their baby, worried about their
baby in a NICU or special care nursery, or needing to talk during other perinatal times such as bedrest. This has been Neo-Fight's
most important function since 1976!
Neo-Fight volunteers at the annual Walk to Remember at St. Francis Hospital held in October.
Neo-Fight volunteers with various activities during the annual National Make a Difference Day held
the 4th Saturday in October. Please contact Neo-Fight for details on how to volunteer your time for this wonderful
day and other Neo-Fight events through out the year in making a difference in the lives of families.
Education and Outreach
Speaking about Neo-Fight to students at the School of Nursing, the School of Medicine, School of
Education, and the Medical Genetics Program at IUPUI.
Publishing a full-page listing about Neo-Fight in the Rainbow Book, a directory of human services
in Central Indiana.
Publishing an updated and revised version of our Listener Training Manual.
Training new listeners in our Listener Training Class.
Creating a Neo-Fight website with listings of Indiana resources, national resources and on-line
support groups.
Yearly and as need arises, delivering to the Nursing Staff at 11 area hospitals "NICU Baskets"
filled with such things as Neo-Fight information, Preemie Clothes, Single-Use Cameras and Hershey Hugs.